Results for 'Prefazione di Roberto di Ceglie'

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  1. Volume] III. Tomo I. Logos, pathos, kairos : contributi ermeneutici per la filosofia cristiana.Prefazione di Roberto di Ceglie & Introduzione di Vinicio Busacchi - 2016 - In Gaspare Mura, Scripta hermeneutica. Città del Vaticano: Lateran University Press.
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    Aquinas on Faith, Reason, and Charity.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2022 - New York: Routledge.
    This book offers a new reading of Aquinas' views on faith. The author argues that the theological nature of faith is crucial to Aquinas' thought, and that it gives rise to a peculiar and otherwise incomprehensible relationship with reason. The first part of the book examines various modern and contemporary accounts of the relationship between faith and reason in Aquinas' thought. The author shows that these accounts are unconvincing because they exhibit what he calls a Lockean view of faith and (...)
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    God, the Good, and the Spiritual Turn in Epistemology.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2023 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, Roberto Di Ceglie offers an historical, theological, and epistemological investigation exploring how commitments to God and/or the good generate the optimum condition to achieve knowledge. Di Ceglie criticizes the common belief that to attain knowledge, one must always be ready to replace one's convictions with beliefs that appear to be proven. He defends a more comprehensive view, historically exemplified by outstanding Christian thinkers, whereby believers are expected to commit themselves to God and to related (...)
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    Faith and Reason: A Response to Duncan Pritchard.Roberto di Ceglie - 2017 - Philosophy 92 (2):231-247.
    In a recent essay Duncan Pritchard argues that there is no fundamental epistemological distinction between religious belief and ordinary or non-religious belief. Both of them – so he maintains in the footsteps of Wittgenstein's On certainty – are ultimately grounded on a-rational commitments, namely, commitments unresponsive to rational criteria. I argue that, while this view can be justified theologically, it cannot be advanced philosophically as Pritchard assumes.I offer an account of Aquinas's reflection on faith and reason to show that the (...)
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    L’epistemologia religiosa di Tommaso d’Aquino alla luce del dibattito contemporaneo sulla filosofia cristiana.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79 (1-2):565-584.
    In this article, I focus on what emerges from Thomas Aquinas’s religious epistemology once taken into consideration in the light of the contemporary debates on Christian philosophy. I argue that Aquinas profitably explores what is specific to Christian faith – its being under the command of the will moved by God’s grace. According to Aquinas, it seems that it is precisely that which is specific to faith and distinguishes it from human reason that puts believers in an ideal condition to (...)
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    Alvin Plantinga and Thomas Aquinas on Theism and Christianity.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2015 - Philosophy and Theology 27 (1):235-252.
    According to Plantinga, both the theistic and the Christian belief can be affirmed basically, namely, without proofs. Such a position—he tells us—traces back to Aquinas and Calvin. Here I intend to revisit Plantinga’s view of the relation between his own position and Aquinas’s. I shall argue that the type of harmony the Reformed philosopher believes to have with Aquinas is only partially present, and that there is a different type of affinity between the two thinkers—though Plantinga is not aware of (...)
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  7. No-Fault Unbelief.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2020 - Sophia 60 (1):91-101.
    ‘No-fault unbelief’ can be named the view that there are those who do not believe in God through no moral or intellectual fault of their own. This view opposes a more traditional one, which can be named ‘flawed unbelief’ view, according to which religious unbelief signals a cognitive or moral flaw in the non-believer. Since this charge of mental or moral flaw causes a certain uneasiness, I oppose the former view, i.e. ‘no-fault unbelief’, with a strategy that has nothing to (...)
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  8. Il problema della divine hiddenness alla prova del concetto di Dio.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2021 - Acta Philosophica 30:343-358.
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    Thomas Reid: Philosophy, Science, and the Christian Revelation.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2020 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 18 (1):17-38.
    Two significant aspects of Thomas Reid's thought seem to be irreconcilable with one another. On the one hand, Reid constantly refers to the substantive benefits which human knowledge receives from the Christian revelation. On the other hand, he does not justify philosophical or scientific beliefs by way of appeal to God. In this essay, I argue that a closer inspection of both Reid's philosophical reflection and scientific investigations shows that the two aspects just mentioned are compatible with one another. In (...)
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    Twofold Theodicy.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2024 - Heythrop Journal 65 (6):695-710.
    Theodicy is often rejected because a suffering person is hardly interested in abstract arguments—even if these arguments were convincing, they might not change the suffering she is experiencing. I propose a twofold theodicy. First, Christians are invited to promote positive apologetics—they should show the internal consistency of divine revelation, which recommends that they should alleviate suffering and promote flourishing. Second, Christians should develop negative apologetics and show the untenability of objections to the Christian view of evil and suffering, including the (...)
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  11.  35
    Revisiting the Complete Understanding Argument for Anti-Theism: a Reply to Kirk Lougheed.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2022 - Philosophia 50 (3):1001-1008.
    In a recent book devoted to the axiology of theism, Kirk Lougheed has argued that the ‘complete understanding’ argument should be numbered among the arguments for anti-theism. According to this argument, God’s existence is detrimental to us because, if a supernatural and never completely understandable God exists, then human beings are fated to never achieve complete understanding. In this article, I argue that the complete understanding argument for anti-theism fails for three reasons. First, complete understanding is simply impossible to achieve. (...)
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  12. Nascondimento e provvidenza di Dio.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2022 - Gregorianum 103 (2):249-261.
    Alla provvidenza di Dio si fa spesso ricorso per proporre una soluzione al problema del male, quando questo venga usato a fini ateistici. Negli ultimi decenni, accanto al problema del male, si è imposto un altro problema finalizzato a negare l’esistenza di Dio, quello del nascondimento divino, soprattutto nella versione che ne ha offerto il filosofo canadese John Schellenberg (1959-). In questa sede, intendo trattare il rapporto tra nascondimento e provvidenza di Dio. Intendo innanzitutto mostrare che alla base dell’argomento del (...)
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    Credere in Deum: Tommaso d'Aquino interlocutore della filosofia d'oggi.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2014 - Ariccia (RM): Aracne editrice int.le S.r.l..
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    La conoscenza religiosa: nuove prospettive nell'epistemologia contemporanea.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2008 - Lugano: Eupress Ftl.
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  15. Divine Hiddenness and the Suffering Unbeliever Argument.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (2):211-235.
    In this essay, I propose two arguments from Thomas Aquinas’s reflection on theism and faith to rebut Schellenberg’s claim that divine hiddenness justifies atheism. One of those arguments, however, may be employed so as to re-propose Schellenberg’s conviction, which is crucial to his argument, that there are ‘non-resistant’ or ‘inculpable’ unbelievers. I then advance what I call the suffering unbeliever argument. In short, the unbelievers mentioned by Schellenberg are expected to suffer because of their non-belief, which—as Schellenberg says—prevents them from (...)
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  16. Rethinking God's existence as a preamble of faith in Aquinas' view.Roberto Di Ceglie - forthcoming - Agatheos -- European Journal for Philosophy of Religion.
    For Aquinas, the preambles of faith, including the existence of God, play a crucial role in his view of faith because they are presupposed by the articles. However, the existing literature does not make it clear how exactly the preambles can be held. In particular, the existence of God seems to cause problems. Should it be held by demonstration or by faith? I think there are problems with both. A possible solution was suggested three decades ago. In this article I (...)
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  17. Emanuele Severino e la fede cristiana come dubbio.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2015 - Giornale di Metafisica 1 (1):154-169.
    In un saggio intitolato La fede e il dubbio. L’inesistenza e la violenza della fede, Emanuele Severino giudica incoerente la dottrina cattolica – come pure la prospettiva di Tommaso d’Aquino cui essa risale – stando alla quale la fede risulta certa nonostante le verità che in essa si credono manchino di evidenza. La fede sarebbe non solo inesistente (una fede certa, come quella proclamata dai Vangeli e sostenuta da Tommaso, semplicemente non può esistere) ma anche violenta (l’incoerenza che la contraddistingue (...)
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    «Fede, ragione e carità: una prospettiva tommasiana.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2024 - Annales Theologici 38:199-216.
    Nell’ambito degli studi su fede e ragione nel pensiero di Tommaso d’Aquino, si è solitamente scelto di mostrare l’armonia dell’una e dell’altra attraverso ciò che le accomuna, ossia il fatto che la fede abbia un carattere intellettuale in quanto essa è assenso dell’intelletto alla rivelazione. Limitare la fede a questo, tuttavia, la espone al giudizio della ragione e quindi alla possibilità di essere rifiutata, se ciò è richiesto dal criterio dell’evidenza. In questa sede, dopo aver ricordato che per Tommaso la (...)
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  19. Faith, reason, and charity in Thomas Aquinas’s thought.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2016 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 79 (2):133-146.
    Aquinas’s thought is often considered an exemplary balance between Christian faith and natural reason. However, it is not always sufficiently clear what such balance consists of. With respect to the relation between philosophical topics and the Christian faith, various scholars have advanced perspectives that, although supported by Aquinas’s texts, contrast one another. Some maintain that Aquinas elaborated his philosophical view without being under the influence of faith. Others believe that the Christian faith constitutes an indispensable component of Aquinas’s view; at (...)
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  20. Essere parziali promuove il sapere?Roberto Di Ceglie - 2023 - Gregorianum 104 (4):759-773.
    È possibile che, perlomeno in alcuni casi, la parzialità in epistemologia vada promossa? Per ‘parzialità epistemica’ intendiamo la volontà di non venire meno alle proprie tesi anche laddove sembrasse che esse siano contraddette dall’evidenza. Tale parzialità ovviamente contraddice quanto è invece solitamente dato per scontato, ossia la disposizione – che chiamiamo ‘imparzialità epistemica’ – ad accettare qualsivoglia tesi, non importa se irriconciliabile con le proprie opinioni, purché essa sia adeguatamente supportata dall’evidenza. Qui si intende argomentare che, sulla scia di Tommaso (...)
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  21.  26
    Aquinas on Faith and Charity.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2021 - New Blackfriars 102 (1100):550-569.
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  22. (1 other version)On Aquinas's Theological Reliabilism.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2018 - Heythrop Journal 59 (6):653-62.
    In an essay titled Aquinas on the Foundations of Knowledge, Eleonore Stump rejects the idea that Aquinas's epistemology is foundationalist. I agree with Stump, and share in her conviction that the Angelic doctor developed instead what can be seen as a kind of theological reliabilism. In this article, I intend to take her position a step further. First, I would like to show that Thomistic reliabilism falls into a vicious circle if seen as based on a merely rational theism. Second, (...)
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  23. A Sacrificial View of Life.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2023 - Religions 14 (876).
    Sacrifice as a practice aimed at honoring deities by offering them something as a sign of propitiation or worship is usually studied from the viewpoint of numerous disciplines and religious cultures, from which equally numerous interpretations follow. However, the view of sacrifice as able to shape life in its entirety, which means that every act taken by believers may be seen in sacrificial terms, does not seem to be sufficiently considered. This is a view that I believe emerges from various (...)
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  24.  22
    Intellectual Humility with Partial Application.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2021 - Philosophia 50 (2):437-449.
    Intellectual humility plays a crucial role among intellectual virtues. It has attracted considerable attention from virtue epistemologists, who have offered a fair number of treatments. In this essay, I argue that, regardless of the difference among these treatments, they are beset by two problems: they fall into a circular argument; they fall into a self-referential contradiction. I then argue that a recent proposal by D. Pritchard allows us to avoid, but not. However, by combining this proposal with another reflection advanced (...)
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  25. Tommaso d’Aquino: primato della fede e autonomia della ragione.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2015 - Rassegna di Teologia 57:229-250.
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  26. Thomist Advice to Christian Philosophers.Roberto Di Ceglie - forthcoming - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion.
    In Advice to Christian philosophers Alvin Plantinga suggested that Christians who propose to be philosophers should not limit themselves to being philosophers who happen, incidentally, to be Christians. Instead, they should develop a Christian philosophy. From this, however, a problem followed, which is still seen as a reason to deny that a Christian philosophy is possible. It seems implausible that the outcome of the interaction between faith and philosophy is, really, philosophy and not merely theology. Plantinga did not deal with (...)
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    Christian Belief, Love for God, and Divine Hiddenness.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2016 - Philosophia Christi 18 (1):179-193.
    In two recent articles, Travis Dumsday has formulated a response to the problem of divine hiddenness on the basis of the Christian doctrine—especially Aquinas’s thought. I agree with Dumsday that Christians qua Christians can significantly contribute to the debate in question. However, in both articles the author overlooks a decisive aspect of Aquinas’s doctrine of faith and the Christian teachings that trace back to it. This article dwells on Dumsday’s interpretation of Aquinas’s thought, and from within my argument proposes a (...)
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  28. Swinburne on Aquinas’ View of Faith.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (2):617-631.
    In recent decades, Richard Swinburne has offered an influential view of the relationship between faith and reason. In doing so, he focused to a considerable extent on Aquinas’s view of faith. For Swinburne, Aquinas’ view of faith is that to have faith in God is simply to have a belief-that. In contrast, it is another view of faith, which Swinburne calls ‘Lutheran,’ that involves both theoretical beliefs-that and a trust in the Living God. In this article, I argue that Swinburne’s (...)
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  29. Rethinking the Circularity between Faith and Reason.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2019 - Philosophy and Theology 31 (1):59-77.
    In this article, I focus on the circular relationship that, in his 1998 encyclical, Jean Paul II argued there is between faith and reason. I first note that this image of circularity needs some explaining, because it is not clear where exactly the circular process begins and ends. I then argue that an explanation can be found in Aquinas’s reflection on the gift of understanding. Aquinas referred to the virtue of faith as caused by God, which promotes human reason, and (...)
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  30. What Relationship Between Biological and Intentional Altruism?Roberto Di Ceglie - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (3):53-74.
    In this essay, I first show that, from the view that God is the ultimate cause of the human ability to perform ethically laudable acts, does not follow that no continuity between biological and intentional altruism is possible. In line with recent theological research concerning the non-human world, I argue that there is a partial continuity between these two forms of altruism. I also show that, from a naturalistic viewpoint, no continuity at all seems demonstrable between the two forms of (...)
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  31. Christian epistemology. How faith can shape and promote rationality.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2023 - Philosophical Forum 54 (4):351-365.
    Can epistemology be shaped by the Christian faith? Is there anything specific to this faith that can give rise to an equally specific epistemology without compromising the autonomy that the latter requires from faith? In the footsteps of Aquinas's religious epistemology, I first focus on the fact that Christian faith seems to characterize intellectual activity in a way that appears to be irreconcilable with epistemological perspectives that are not shaped by faith. Second, I argue that it is possible to do (...)
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    Twofold Theodicy.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2024 - Heythrop Journal (6):1-16.
    Theodicy is often rejected because a suffering person is hardly interested in abstract argu ments—even if these arguments were convincing, they might not change the suffering she is experienc ing. I propose a twofold theodicy. First, Christians are invited to promote positive apologetics—they should show the internal consistency of divine revelation, which recommends that they should alleviate suffering and promote flourishing. Second, Christians should develop negative apologetics and show the untenability of objections to the Christian view of evil and suffering, (...)
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  33. Divine Hiddenness and the Concept of God in advance.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2019 - International Philosophical Quarterly.
    John Schellenberg’s version of the divine hiddenness argument is based on a concept of God as an omnipotent, morally perfect, and ontologically perfect being. I show that Schellenberg develops his argument in a way that is inconsistent with each of these aspects, from which it follows that the argument in question proves to be unsustainable.
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  34. Religions and Conflicts.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2020 - Heythrop Journal 61 (4):620-632.
    Many believe that a peaceful, tolerant and respectful coexistence among religions is not compatible with the conviction that only one of them is true. I argue that this ‘incompatibility problem’ (IP) is grounded in a ‘naturalistic assumption’ (NA), that is, the assumption that every subject, including religion, should be treated without taking into account that a super‐natural being may exist and reveal to us an unexpected way to deal with our experience. I then argue that in matters of religion, NA (...)
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  35. Étienne Gilson interprete di Dante Alighieri.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2022 - In Simona Brambilla, Nicolangelo D'Acunto, Massimo Marassi & Paola Muller, Grandi maestri di fronte a Dante. Vita e Pensiero. pp. 279-289.
    Lo storico della filosofia e filosofo francese Étienne Gilson (1884-1978) ha notoriamente offerto una lettura innovativa di importanti figure del pensiero medievale, da Tommaso d’Aquino a Duns Scoto e Bonaventura, includendo in questa lista anche Agostino di Ippona. L’originalità della lettura offerta da Gilson si esprime per lo meno in due modi. In primo luogo, Gilson ha argomentato a sostegno dell’effettiva caratura filosofica, e non semplicemente teologica, del pensiero di quei pensatori. Contro un pesante pregiudizio che all’epoca in cui egli (...)
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  36. Anselm’s Faith as Orientation, Criterion and Promotion of Philosophical Inquiry.Roberto Di Ceglie - forthcoming - In Ian Logan, "Anselm of Canterbury: Nature, Order and the Divine" (Leiden: Brill, 2024), pp. 111-134.
    In this essay, I focus on the theological origins of the argument for the existence of God that Anselm develops in chapters 2-4 of the Proslogion. By ‘theological origins’ I mean that the unum argumentum was put forward in support of the truth (or at least of the internal consistency) of the Christian faith, whether the argument was intended to convince unbelievers or not. My aim is to demonstrate that, contrary to what is often believed, it is precisely the theological (...)
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  37. Aquinas on Beauty and Umberto Eco's Interpretation.Roberto Di Ceglie - forthcoming - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie.
    The Italian semiotician and novelist Umberto Eco (1932-2016) offered an insightful interpretation of Thomas Aquinas' thought on beauty. Eco's book, translated into English in 1988, is considered an authoritative source of reflection on the subject and has been widely cited by those who have focused on Aquinas' aesthetics in recent decades. In this article, I first assess the depth and richness of Eco's interpretation, including his critique of Aquinas' view. I then reject this critique by arguing that Aquinas' reflection on (...)
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    Adam Buben: Existentialism and the Desirability of Immortality.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2024 - Human Studies 47 (4):839-842.
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  39. Transumanesimo e progresso morale.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2024 - Filosofia Morale/Moral Philosophy 5 (1):35-53.
    Secondo i sostenitori della prospettiva transumanista, la tecnologia contemporanea può condurci a ridefinire la natura umana attraverso il superamento dei suoi limiti. Tra i limiti in questione, si ricordano di frequente quelli biologici e quelli cognitivi. Risulta infatti di generalizzato interesse la possibilità di prevenire ed evitare l’insorgenza di malattie più o meno curabili come pure quella di aumentare le prestazioni intellettuali, compresa la generazione di strumenti di cosiddetta intelligenza artificiale. Forse interessa meno la possibilità di superare limiti di natura (...)
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    Preambles of Faith and Modern Accounts of Aquinas’s Thought in advance.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2018 - International Philosophical Quarterly 58 (4):437-51.
    Modern philosophical accounts of faith and reason have often been characterized by the idea that faith in God should be epistemically grounded in the belief that God exists. This idea only partially characterizes the Christian view of faith, at least if we consider Aquinas’s thought, which has often been taken as an exemplary way of handling the relationship between faith and reason. I argue that, even though evidence for God’s existence plays a significant role in Aquinas’s reflections, this is only (...)
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    Amore e obbedienza in filosofia.Roberto Di Ceglie & Paul K. Moser - 2013 - Torino: Lindau.
    Quale atteggiamento deve assumere il cristiano in filosofia? Se la condizione di cristiano è tale da influire sulle modalità della riflessione filosofica, che cosa ne consegue per il rapporto tra la fede e la ricerca della verità? I due autori, entrambi cristiani, hanno approcci diversi al riguardo, sotto il profilo dell’ispirazione intellettuale, degli approfondimenti tematici e dello stile espositivo, ma è comune a entrambi il desiderio di riflettere sull’amore e l’obbedienza come fonti della filosofia del credente. -/- Questo piccolo libro (...)
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  42. Notes and discussions the natural moral law. About a recent book.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2009 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 101 (4):573-586.
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  43. Religion, charity, and following reason wherever it leads.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2024 - PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION: ANALYTIC RESEARCHES 8:83-96.
    Scholars of Aquinas have usually focused on the intellectual aspect of the Christian faith, i.e., on the view that faith is a propositional belief. In this view, faith can be subjected to ra - tional scrutiny, and at least in principle rejected, if this is required by contrary evidence. In this article, I intend to show that for Aquinas, faith is not only a propositional belief. Consequently, it cannot be limited to the intellectual dimension. A moral and a religious one (...)
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  44. The" philosophicity" of theology.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2012 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 104 (2-3):491-505.
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  45. Will Digital Immortality Replace Religion?Roberto Di Ceglie - 2023 - Theology and Science 21:302-314.
    In this article, I show why the Christian faith, which is, among other things, a response to the need for life’s meaning and an anticipation of eternal life, will not become superfluous in case digital immortality is achieved. I also deepen a view that emerges from this debate, which is the view of both Christian religion and transhumanism as promises of happiness. I argue that they differ from each other in that Christian religion, unlike transhumanism, requires everybody to commit themselves (...)
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    Divine Providence, Divine Hiddenness, and Commitment to the Good.Roberto Di Ceglie - 2022 - Theologica 6 (2):283-97.
    Divine providence plays a significant role in John Schellenberg’s formulation of the divine hiddenness argument. Although Schellenberg does not openly mention the providence of God, his refutation of this attribute supports his denial of God’s existence, a denial which is the aim of Schellenberg’s hiddenness argument. In this article, I show that Schellenberg’s implicit refutation of providence presupposes two assumptions, the more comprehensive of which consists in saying that there is no good end of history and no commitment to the (...)
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  47. Review of Yujin Nagasawa, "The Problem of Evil for Atheists" (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2024). [REVIEW]Roberto Di Ceglie - forthcoming - Religious Studies (2025) Pp. 1-4.
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  48. Review of Adam Buben, Existentialism and the Desirability of Immortality (New York and London: Routledge 2022), pp. 177. [REVIEW]Roberto Di Ceglie - forthcoming - Human Studies.
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    Completing the Complete Understanding Argument: A Rejoinder to Roberto Di Ceglie.Kirk Lougheed - 2022 - Philosophia 51 (2):811-819.
    In The Axiological Status of Theism and Other Worldviews (2020), I defend the Complete Understanding Argument for anti-theism, which says that God’s existence makes the world worse with respect to our ability to understand it. In a recent article, Roberto Di Ceglie offers three objections to my argument. I seek to rescue my argument by showing (1) that understanding can come in degrees; (2) that I’m not a consequentialist about the value of understanding; and (3) that my argument (...)
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    No-fault Unbelief Defended: a Reply to Roberto Di Ceglie.Kirk Lougheed - 2021 - Sophia 60 (2):473-479.
    In the philosophy of religion, ‘no-fault unbelief’ represents the view that a person can fail to believe that God exists through no fault of their own. On the other hand, ‘flawed unbelief’ says a person is always culpable for failing to believe that God exists. In a recent article in Sophia, Roberto Di Ceglie argues that some might find the usual reasons for rejecting ‘no-fault unbelief’ to be offensive. In light of this, he proposes an alternative rejection of (...)
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